PCMTuner is actually a scanmatik2 pro j2534 interface. It is not just an ecu chip tuning tool but can be used as j2534 passthru for diagnostic software.
Here one of pcmtuner passthru customers is using it for Volvo diagnostic with V-I-D-A.
Model tested: Volvo V50 2004
The device was recognized as SM2 USB (scanmatik2).
You can search online for software. You will find many sources.
pcmtuner will work with most passthru software. It should work fine with xentry passthru edition as well.
We also tested it with Toyota Techstream which works like a charm.
List of compatible software theoretically:
You are at your risk.
Allison DOC
CAT Caterpillar Electronic Technician (CAT ET)
Chrysler Flash Application
Cummins Calterm
Cummins Insite
Detroit DDDL
Eaton Service Ranger
ECU Flasher (auto-bk)
Ford Module Programming Tool
Hino Diagnostic Explorer
Honda HDS
Jaguar/Land Rover SDD
JCB Service Master 4
MMC Flasher (Bruce-Willis)
Nissan Consult 3+
Noregon JPRO
ODIS Service
Toyota Techstream
Volvo Premium Tech Tool PTT
Volvo V-i-d-a
Wabco Toolbox
Xentry PassThru
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