What is Perkins EST?
Perkins EST is a diagnostic software which consists of a set of hardware and a software (The Integrated Parts and Service System or “TIPSS”) interface kit, which an user can use to communicate with Perkins’2300/2800 electronic engines (FG Wilson 300 – 750 KVA range) and FG Wilson Powerwizard control panels. This communication is established via a J1939 data link.
Perkins EST Function List:
Override Powerwizard level three passwords
Configure and/or change system parameters
Display, graph and record logs of parameter status
Display the status of a group of parameters (temperatures, pressures, etc)
View and clear active and logged diagnostic codes
View and clear active and logged event codes
Display, view or change the current Configuration File or Base level Flash File
Upload, download and save configuration files
View a list of irregularities logged by the ECM (engine control module)
Perform diagnostic tests
Perform calibrations
Print reports and diagnostic results.
Perkins EST Features:
1.Facilitating the troubleshooting of electronic engines.
2. Essential in replacing an ECM on a Perkins’ 2300/2800 series engine.
3.Replacing or retrofitting an FG Wilson Powerwizard control panel module – the new standard in FG Wilson control systems. A blank module can only be configured using EST (installing the base flash file into a blank Powerwizard module).
4.Upload, download, and save configuration files,bypassing Powerwizard level three passwords.
5. Update Powerwizard control panels version as required.
6.Additional Powerwizard language files as required.
Perkins EST Support Languages:
Perkins EST Installation Requirements:
– O.S.: Windows XP; Windows Vista; Windows 7; Windows 8
– CPU: Pentium/Athlon 1.8 GHz or higher
– RAM: 256 MB of system memory
– Hard Drive: 500 MB of available space
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